books by author
The accomplices maigret's pickpocket the patience of maigret

Les Fiancailles De M Hire (Presses-Pocket)
Maigret and the Saturday Caller
Maigret a New York

Maigret And the Enigmatic Lett
Maigret's Mistake

Maigret On Holiday
Maigret et l'homme du banc
Un noel de Maigret
Maigret et l'inspecteur malgracieux

Maigret a New York

The Eleventh Simenon Omnibus: The Venice Train, Maigret and the Millionaires, The Innocents (Penguin crime fiction)

The Third Simenon Omnibus: Maigret Has Doubts, Maigret & the Minister, The Old Man Dies: No. 3
The window over the way
Maigret and the hundred gibbets
Maigret loses his temper
A battle of nerves at the Gai-Moulin
Escape in vain
Maigret travels south
Maigret sits it out
Maigret in montmartre
Maigret takes a room

Maigret et son mort (Ldp Simenon)
Maigret and the reluctant witnesses
Maigret has scruples

Simenon Fifth Omnibus - Big Bob, Maigret's Boyhood Friend, & November [ No. 5 ]

The Bar on the Seine (Penguin Modern Classics)

Maigret and the Madwoman + Maigret and the Killer

Second Maigret Omnibus