books by author

Slavoj Zizek

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Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle

By Slavoj Zizek

Absolute Recoil: Towards A New Foundation Of Dialectical Materialism

By Slavoj Zizek

In Defense of Lost Causes

By Slavoj Zizek

Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?: Five Interventions in the (Mis)Use of a Notion

By Slavoj Zizek

Against the Double Blackmail: Refugees, Terror and Other Troubles with the Neighbours

By Slavoj Zizek

Virtue and Terror

By Jean Ducange, Maximilien Robespierre, Slavoj Zizek, John Howe

The Day After the Revolution

By Slavoj Zizek, V I Lenin

The Most Sublime Hysteric: Hegel with Lacan

By Slavoj Zizek

The Idea of Communism

By Slavoj Zizek, Costas Douzinas

The Shortest Shadow: Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Two (Short Circuits)

By Alenka Zupancic, Slavoj Zizek

What Does Europe Want? The Union and its Discontents

By Slavoj Zizek

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

By Slavoj Zizek

The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity (Short Circuits)

By Slavoj Zizek, Mladen Dolar, Zupancic, Alenka

How to Read Lacan: Slavoj Zizek

By Slavoj Zizek

Lacan: The Silent Partners (Wo Es War)

By Slavoj Zizek

In Defense of Lost Causes

By Slavoj Zizek

Living in the End Times

By Slavoj Zizek

Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism

By Slavoj Zizek

Living in the End Times: Updated New Edition

By Slavoj Zizek

Spatula How Drawing Changed the World (language of line - drawing research)

By Gordon Shrigley, Monika Aichele, Barry Dainton, annette geiger, Christophe Marchand-Kiss, Sarah Treadwell, Slavoj Zizek, dominique lämmli

Philosophy in the Present

By Alain Badiou, Slavoj Zizek