books by author

The Windy Day: Teddy Horsley Celebrates Pentecost on Whit Sunday (A Teddy Horsley book)

Edges Student Book 1

Edges Student Book 3

Edges Teacher's Handbook 3


Learning and a Liberal Education: The Study of Modern History in the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Manchester

Women's Faith Development: Patterns and Processes (Explorations in Practical, Pastoral and Empirical Theology)

Discipline and Schools: A Curriculum Perspective

Journey: 1 (Renewing the Eucharist)

Bitesize Interactive Tutor: English

Skills in English Student Book 1

Seeking the Risen Christa

Easter Garden


Autumn: Betsy Bear Learns About Death (The Teddy Horsely series)


School Effectiveness for Whom? (Student Outcomes & the Reform of Education)

Alternative Farm Enterprises: Guide to Alternative Sources of Income for the Farmer

Doing December Differently: An Alternative Christmas Handbook

The Picnic: Teddy Horsley Goes to Communion (Teddy Horsley Books)

The Book of Mary

Skills in English: Framework Edition Student Book 1

Skills in English Framework Edition Student Book 2: Framework Edition Bk. 2

Skills in English Framework Edition Student Book 3R: Student Book 3 Red

Skills in English Framework Edition Student Book 3G

Skills in English Student Book 2

Edges Teacher's Handbook 1
The Explorer: Teddy Horsley Wonders at God's Handiwork (Teddy Horsley Books)

Lights: Teddy Horsley Celebrates Christmas (Teddy Horsley Books)