books by author

Doctor Who - The Many Hands (New Series Adventure 24)

The Tenth Planet


Quest for Olwen (Jackanory Story Books)

The Seasons

Flip Flap Body Book: "What Happens to Your Food?", "How Are Babies Made?", "How Do Your Senses Work?" (Flip Flaps)

Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

Mr Grin And Mr Groan (Read Me: Poetry)

Sun-Tipped Pillars Of Our Hearts

Criminal Law

Heritage of the Sea

Tide Mill at Eling: History of a Working Mill

Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy, Now With Even More Ways to Wreck!
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Kingdoms of the Yoruba

Selected Poems

Shark's Fin Island (First Flight)

Barry Loser and the Holiday of Doom (The Barry Loser Series)

Quasi-religions: Humanism, Marxism and Nationalism (Themes in Comparative Religion S.)

Depression for Dummies (US Edition)

Wild Mynd: Birds and Wildlife of the Long Mynd

Tom Smith's Cricket Umpiring And Scoring: Laws of Cricket (2000 Code 4th Edition 2010)

Shadow in the Cave: Study of the Relationship Between the Broadcaster, His Audience and the State

Public Schools That Work: Creating Community (Critical Social Thought)

Dynamic Learning Photoshop CS3 +DVD: Photoshop Cs3 with Digital Classroom Video Tutorials

PM Benchmark 2 Reading Assessment Resource

Spit Against the Wind

Oxford Mathematics Intermediate GCSE for Edexcel

Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testment