books by author
Stephen Gaukroger

The Word for the World: Vol.1

Cbg: Colossians & Philemon

Discovering the New Testament

Hunger for Holiness: Malachi - A Call to Commitment Today

Housegroups: The Leader's Survival Guide

Being Baptised: The Handbook to Believer's Baptism


Living Successfully in a Dangerous World

Gaukroger Omnibus: Hunger for Holiness, Growing your Gifts, Thirsty for God

Why bother with mission?

The Controversial Christ: Bk.2

Across the Borderline: Exploring Big Themes from Colossians: Study Guide

A Person of Purpose: Lessons in Life from God's People

It Makes Sense

Making it Work: Study Gde

It Makes Sense

The Glory of The Gospel: Keswick Year Book 2005 (Keswick Ministries)