books by author
Stephen P.

State Space Frequency: Domain Methods in the Control of Distributed Parameter Systems (IEE topics in control series)

Target Switzerland: Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War II

The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers: Brief Edition

Organizational Behavior (International Edition)

Essentials of Organizational Behavior

Overwash Processes

Purpose and Process: A Reader for Writers

Adapted Primary Literature: The Use of Authentic Scientific Texts in Secondary Schools: 22 (Innovations in Science Education and Technology, 22)

Visualization in Mathematics, Reading and Science Education: 5 (Models and Modeling in Science Education, 5)

Mechanics of Materials

Organizational Behavior: United States Edition

Theory of Elasticity (Asia Higher Education Engineering/Computer Science Engineering Mechanics)

Astronomy For Dummies

Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice, 4e

Sociology and Mental Health: Introduction for Nurses and Other Care Givers

Human Resource Management (Wiley Series in Management)

Hugo and Russell's Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Global Issues in Education: A Special Double Issue of Peabody Journal of Education (Peabody Journal of Education, Vol 76, Numbers 3 & 4, 2001)

Mechanics of Materials

Mechanics of Materials

Theory of Elastic Stability (Engineering Society Monographs)

Theory of Plates and Shells (Engineering Society Monographs)

Management: 2003 Update (International Edition)


Managing Today!

Organizational Behavior

Fundamentals of Management: International Edition: Essential Concepts and Applications

Organizational Behaviour plus Companion Website Access Card

Management of Bank Portfolios