books by author


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Skeleton Crew

By King, Stephen

Total Collapse: The Case Against Responsibility and Morality

By Kershnar, Stephen

Rethinking Health Care Ethics

By Scher, Stephen, Kozlowska, Kasia

Bilingual and Multilingual Education: 5 (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By Garcia, Ofelia, Lin, Angel M. Y., May, Stephen

Linking Local and Global Sustainability: 4 (The International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics Book Series, 4)

By Sandhu, Sukhbir, McKenzie, Stephen, Harris, Howard

What I Do Not Believe, and Other Essays: 38 (Synthese Library, 38)

By Hanson, N.R., Toulmin, Stephen, Woolf, H.

Practice-based Learning in Higher Education: Jostling Cultures: 10 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 10)

By Kennedy, Monica, Billett, Stephen, Gherardi, Silvia, Grealish, Laurie

Language Testing and Assessment: 7 (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By Shohamy, Elana, Or, Iair G., May, Stephen

Literacies and Language Education (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By Street, Brian V., May, Stephen

Discourse and Education: 3 (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By Wortham, Stanton, Kim, Deoksoon, May, Stephen

Language Awareness and Multilingualism: 6 (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By Cenoz, Jasone, Gorter, Durk, May, Stephen

Research Methods in Language and Education: 10 (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By King, Kendall A., Lai, Yi-Ju, May, Stephen

Promoting, Assessing, Recognizing and Certifying Lifelong Learning: International Perspectives and Practices: 20 (Lifelong Learning Book Series, 20)

By Halttunen, Timo, Koivisto, Mari, Billett, Stephen


By King, Stephen

Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold (Stephen Fry’s Greek Myths, 2)

By Fry, Stephen

Language Socialization: 8 (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By Duff, Patricia A., May, Stephen

Second and Foreign Language Education: 4 (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By Van Deusen-Scholl, Nelleke, May, Stephen

Language, Education and Technology: 9 (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By Thorne, Steven L., May, Stephen

Language Policy and Political Issues in Education (Encyclopedia of Language and Education)

By McCarty, Teresa L., May, Stephen

Service-Learning for Youth Leadership: The Case of Hong Kong: 12 (Quality of Life in Asia, 12)

By T. L. Shek, Daniel, Ngai, Grace, C. F. Chan, Stephen

Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment: A Guidebook: 6 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 6)

By Sathaye, Jayant A., Meyers, Stephen

Assessing the Viva in Higher Education: Chasing Moments of Truth: 6 (The Enabling Power of Assessment, 6)

By Dobson, Stephen

Student Evaluation in Higher Education: Reconceptualising the Student Voice

By Darwin, Stephen

Emerging Perspectives of Workplace Learning

By Billett, Stephen, Harteis, Christian, Eteläpelto, Anneli

Vocational Education: Purposes, Traditions and Prospects

By Billett, Stephen

Work, Subjectivity and Learning: Understanding Learning through Working Life: 6 (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 6)

By Billett, Stephen, Fenwick, Tara, Somerville, Margaret

Developing Learning Professionals: Integrating Experiences in University and Practice Settings: 7 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 7)

By Billett, Stephen, Henderson, Amanda J.

Barefoot Doctor's Handbook For The Urban Warrior: A spiritual survival guide

By Doctor, The Barefoot, Russell, Stephen

Nutritional Health Guide – Eczema and Psoriasis (Nutritional Health S.)

By Terrass, Stephen

September-December 2011 (The Upper Room: Daily Meditations from Around the World)

By Wilke, Sarah, Hibbins, Susan, Bryant, Stephen