books by author

Exploring Science

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really Big Adventure (First Reader Edition)
Sing to God
Lovely Britain

Water Supply Management: 29 (Water Science and Technology Library, 29)

The Diamond Age

Core Statutes on Contract, Tort & Restitution 2016-17 (Palgrave Core Statutes)

We're Moving House (First Time Stories)

Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Leapfrog Fairy Tales)

Core Statutes on Contract, Tort and Restitution 2006-07 (Core Statutes 2006-07)

British Government and Politics (Examination Guides S.)


The Mongoliad: 1 (The Mongoliad Cycle)

The Mongoliad: 2 (The Mongoliad Cycle)

The Mongoliad: 3 (The Mongoliad Cycle)

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really Frightful Night

Our New Baby (First Time Stories)

Worked Examples in Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers

Baby Bible

Life Pre-Intermediate 2e, with App Code (Life, Second Edition (British English))

English Explorer 2 with MultiROM: Explore, Learn, Develop

SWOT Commercial and Consumer Law

A Textbook of General Practice

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Tale of the Terrible Secret


The Guardian Book of Quick Crosswords

Core Statutes on Contract, Tort and Restitution 2010-11 (Palgrave Macmillan Core Statutes)

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Tale of Two Treasures

The Incarnation of God: An Introductionto Hegel's Theological Thought as Prolegomena to a Future Christology.