books by author
Steve Cox
The Diary of a Killer Cat

Must Know Stories: Level 1: Jack and the Beanstalk

Pigs Might Fly

My Book of Colours

The Great Castle Mystery: A 3 Dimensional Adventure
Keeping Secrets

People on the Move

Where People Shop (Going Places)

People at Work (Going Places)
Mr Wolf Move in

Captain Scurvy's Most Dastardly Pop-Up Pirate Ship

The Puffin Book of Stories for Five-year-olds
Mr Wolf Moves In

People on the Move (Going Places)

Phantom in the Tower: No. 4 (Crystal Maze Mystery Puzzle Adventure Books)

Noah's Big Boat - A lift-the-Flap Bible Book - Over 45 Fun Flaps!

The Puffin Book of Five-Minute Stories

The Earth, Its Wonders, Its Secrets: Nature's Masterpieces

The Diary of a Killer Cat (Puffin Modern Classics)

Stories for 7years olds

The Puffin Book of Stories for Six-year-olds