books by author
Steve Parker

Wild Nature Deadly Animals

The Lost Journal: Dinosaur Hunter

Sound (Science Files)
Flight and Flying Machines
I love baby animals

Forces and Motion (Science Files)

World Wonders? (What About)
1970s & 80s The Global Jukebox

My First Dinosaur Encyclopedia

Extinction: Not the End of the World?

Discover the Savage World (Discovery Channel)

Opposites Attract: Magnetism (Everyday Science)
Benjamin Franklin and static electricity
20th Century Science: 1970-90 Computers and Chips
The Water Cycle
See-through Reptiles
The Body and how it works

Light (Tabletop Scientist): Projects and Experiments with Light and Colour

Sound (Tabletop Scientist)
I love baby animals
Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia: Planet Earth

Electricity and Magnetism (Science Files)
Isaac Newton and Gravity

100 Facts Bugs Pocket Edition – Bitesized Facts & Awesome Images to Support KS2 Learning

Wild About Science

100 Facts Speed – Bitesized Facts & Awesome Images to Support KS2 Learning
great scientists guglielmo marconi

Inside Millitary Machines (Discovery Explore Your World)