books by author
Stewart Ross

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

Down with the Romans

Life in The Past: Rich and Poor - In Ancient Greece


The Salvation Project

Clever Cleo: The Story of Queen Cleopatra


Starters: L3: Balancing - Cranes, Scales and Seesaws

Our Planet

Saxon and Viking Britain

Why Does It Fall Over ?

God Bless Queen Victoria

Don't Say No to Flo!: The Story of Florence Nightingale

Only A Matter Of Time: A Story From Kosovo

Movement - Things That Go



Understand the Middle East (since 1945): Teach Yourself

One Crowded Hour

And Then...: History of the World

Medieval Realms: Art and Architecture
T Rex
Florence Nightingale

Hal the Hero: The Amazing Story of King Henry the 8th

Turning Points In History: Fall of the Bastille Paper
The Terror Trail

Medieval Realms: Monarchs

The Ancient World