books by author

Death of an Idealist

Animals of the Antarctic: Ecology of the Far South

A Visual Introduction to Sharks (Animal Watch S.)

Listening to Children on the Spiritual Journey: Guidance for Those Who Teach and Nurture

AQA GCSE (9-1) History Workbook: Elizabethan England, c1568-1603

A Visual Introduction to Whales (Animal watch)

Huntingtower (Oxford World's Classics)

A Visual Introduction to Monkeys (Animal Watch S.)

Living at the Poles (Just look at--)

A Visual Introduction to Bears (Animal watch)

Plant Life: 20 (Closer Look at S.)

Snow, Ice and Cold (Repairing the Damage S.)

Philip's Illustrated Atlas of the World

A Visual Introduction to Whales (Animal Watch S.)

Business Strategy: An Introduction

AA Leisure Guide New Forest and Isle of Wight (AA Leisure Guides)

Journeys of the Great Explorers

Aerofilms Book of Britain from the Air