books by author

Education For Democracy (Penguin education specials)

Wuthering Heights (Oxford World's Classics)

Greek Mythology (An Encyclopedia Of Myth And Legend)

Alexander the Great (Lancaster Pamphlets in Ancient History)

Palmyra and Its Empire: Zenobia's Revolt Against Rome

The Traveller's Histories: Turkey (Traveller'S History Of)

Researching Social Life

Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights (Readers' Guides to Essential Criticism)

Dangerous Animals (Young Telegraph Books)

The Economic Analysis of Technology Policy

Easy-to-Make Wooden Sundials: Instructions and Plans for Five Projects (Dover Woodworking)

Breeding Birds of Europe: Divers to Auks v. 1: A Photographic Handbook

Wuthering Heights: Emily Bronte: Emily Brontë: 150 (New Casebooks)

Bronte Transformations