books by author

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Oxford Level 18: Dirk of Swampy Hollow

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 13: King Arthur Needs You!

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Oxford Level 20: Space Mistakes

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 15: Twice Upon a Time

The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: Large Print Edition

It's a Tough Life (Crackers)

Little Pig's Party

Life is for Living: Simple Study in Practical Psychology

The Quiet Corner (Quiet hour series)

Patience Strong Omnibus

The Poison Tree

Through the Year
Viking in Trouble (Puffin Fiction)

Living with Vampires

Nellie Choc-Ice and the Plastic Island: 1 (Little Gems)

Cartoon Kid - Emergency!

Roman Art 2e (The Yale University Press Pelican History of Art Series)

English Icon: Elizabethan and Jacobean Portraiture

New Strong's Exhautive Concordance (Super Value Series)

Insects on Plants: Community Patterns and Mechanisms

How to Write Law Essays & Exams

Give Me a Quiet Corner

Patience Strong's Thoughts for Every Day

The Smallest Horse in the World

The Karate Princess in Monsta Trouble (Crackers)

The Great Rock Discography
Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 11: Parrots of the Caribbean
Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 12: Tyrannosaurus Max
Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 8: Sam's Supersonic Hamster