books by author
Sue Atkinson

Developing Numeracy Skills: Year 5 (Primary 6) (Developing Numeracy Skills S.)

NCM Module 3 Pupil's book 1 (New Cambridge Mathematics)

NCM Module 3 Pupil's book 2 (New Cambridge Mathematics)
NCM Module 3 Games and mats pack
NCM Module 3 Resource sheets
NCM Module 3 Teacher's resource book, spiral bound
NCM Module 3 Activity book 1 (pack of 10)
NCM Module 3 Activity book 2 (pack of 10)

Hodder Home Learning: Age 8-9: Mental Maths

Including Lower Achievers in the Maths Lesson Year 5: Year 5

Hodder Home Learning: Age 8-9: Times Tables

Maths Repair Kit

Making & Dressing Dolls' House Dolls : " In 1/12 Scale" :

Developing Numeracy Skills: Year 4 (Primary 5) (Developing Numeracy Skills S.)

Developing Numeracy Skills: Year 1 (Primary 2) (Developing Numeracy Skills S.)

Including Lower Achievers in the Maths Lesson Year 6: Year 6

Including Lower Achievers in the Maths Year 4

Developing Numeracy Skills: Year 6 (Primary 7) (Developing Numeracy Skills S.)

Developing Numeracy Skills: Year 3 (Primary 4) (Developing Numeracy Skills S.)

Developing Numeracy Skills: Year 2 (Primary 3) (Developing Numeracy Skills S.)

Essential Aromatherapy

The Encyclopedia of Aromatherapy, Massage and Yoga