books by author
Susan Sayers

Soldier Who Gave Orders

Gospel for Cat Lovers: Great Prayers and Amusing Illustrations
Milestones: Prayers for Passing Years

Journey into the Desert: Reflection and Meditation for Lent

Gathered for Prayer: 100 Thematic Intercessions

Living Stones - Prayers of Intercession Year A

Living Stones - Prayers of Intercession Year B

Lent for the Whole Church Community

Praying As Jesus Taught Us: 16 Services Reflecting the Lord's Prayer

Teaching the Teachers

Things to Do in Young People's Worship

To Worship in Stillness: Thirty Reflective Services

Living Water - Prayer Of The Faithful Year A: Extracted for Ease of Use
Food in the Desert
Jesus on the Sea: Retold from Scripture

Road to the Cross: Retold from Scripture

Things To Do in Children's Worship

Feeding on God's Word - Year A: Reflections on the Common Worship Readings

Feeding on God's Word - Year B: Reflections on the Common Worship Readings

Not Another Carol Service: An Alternative to the Nativity Play or Carol Concert

Common Worship All-age Talks
Share My Love
Instant art for Bible themes worksheets

Living Stones - Complete Resource Book Year B: The Bestselling All-Age Programme for Common Worship
Instant Art For Bible Themes Worksheets
Follow that Star
the secret on the mountain
Jesus on the sea

Over 200 Talks for All-Age Worship