books by author

Gulliver's Travels (Oliver Editions)

Mathematics and Statistics for Business, Management and Finance

Gulliver's Travels

Last Orders

A Tale of a Tub & other Satires (Everyman's Library) No. 347

England and Other Stories

Gulliver's Travels and Selected Writings in Prose & Verse

The Handbook of Non-sexist Writing for Writers, Editors and Speakers

Learning to Swim (Cambridge Literature)


Directions to Servants (Syrens S.)


You Are Positively Awesome: Good vibes and self-care prompts for all of life's ups and downs

Gullivers Travels

Whatever, Mom: Hip Mama's Guide to Raising a Teenager

Journal to Stella

Gulliver's Travels (Ladybird specials)

Jonathan Swift's Gulliver (Walker Illustrated Classics)

Macmillan Readers Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput Starter Reader

Learning to Swim and Other Stories (Picador Books)

Gulliver's Travels

Mosquito: One Small Item, One Giant Impact (Trigger Issues S)

Waterland (Vintage International)

Gulliver’s Travels (Collins Classics)

Gulliver's Travels

The Book of the M7 0-4-4 Ts

Gulliver's Travels (Collector's Library)

A Voyage to Lilliput (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)

Britain from the Air