books by author
T. J.

Self Portrait: Renaissance to Contemporary

Disorders of Neurohumoral Transmission

Pirata: The dramatic novel of the pirates who hunt the seas of the Roman Empire

"The Turn of the Screw (World's Classics)

Green Plants and Their Allies

Pushkin: A Biography

Digital Logic Techniques (Tutorial Guides in Electronic Engineering)

Falling: the most thrilling blockbuster read of the summer

Britain's Secret Wars: How and Why the United Kingdom Sponsors Conflict Around the World

Steel Structures: Practical Design Studies

Civil War Commanders (In Their Own Words)

The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and His Followers

The Rise of Rome: Books One to Five: Bks. 1-5 (Oxford World's Classics)

Environment for Healing: Role of Occlusion (International Congress & Symposium S.)

Finite Element Analysis in Fluid Dynamics


Recent Advances in Paediatrics: No. 16

The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories (Oxford World's Classics)

Biochemistry of Antimicrobial Action

Introduction to Differential Geometry

Common Mistakes in English


The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories (Oxford World's Classics)

The Rise of Rome Books One to Five (Oxford World's Classics)

Management: Concepts and Practices

Work Out Statistics "O" Level and GCSE (Macmillan Work Out)

Mastering Statistics (Macmillan Master S.)

Work Out Statistics GCSE (Macmillan Work Out S.)

Mastering Statistics (Palgrave Master Series)