books by author

Living Words for Today

The Soul Of Kindness: Elizabeth Taylor, Introduction by Philip Hensher (Virago Modern Classics)

A Wreath Of Roses (Virago Modern Classics)

Giant Book of Snakes and Slithery Creatures (Pipe, Jim, Giant Book Of.)

Good English (Test Your Child's S.)

The Awful Birthday Present (Hedgehogs S.)

Tickling Tigers

Nuclear Holocaust and Christian Hope (Hodder Christian paperbacks)

Beauty and the Beast (Campbell First Stories)

Gospel Medicine

Good for the Poor: Christian Ethics and World Development (Ethics: Our Choices)

Lay Presidency at the Eucharist? An Anglican Approach (Affirming Catholicism)

Poverty and Christianity

Paul on Baptism: Theology, Mission and Ministry in Context

Pole to Pole (Snapping-turtle guides)

Finding the Way (Going Places)

Animal Families (Questions & Answers About S.)

Egyptian Coffins (Shire Egyptology)

Nuclear Theft: Risks and Safeguards

People Resourcing (UK PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS Management / Business)

Poems from the Pew

Beryl's Box

Mental Capacity: A Guide to the New Law

Blackstone's Employment Law Practice 2007

Advising Mentally Disordered Offenders: A Practical Guide

Blackstone's Guide to the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998 (Blackstone's Guide S.)

The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair

Kingdom Come

Communication for Business: A Practical Approach