books by author

Hadassah: One Night With The King

Niv Compact Dictionary of the Bible (NIV Compact S.) (NIV Compact Series)


They Drank from the River and Died in the Wilderness

Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary

Trust and Tragedy

God's Eye View

New Testament Survey

The God Catchers

NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible

God's Favorite House: "If You Build it, He Will Come"

New Testament survey

Illustrated Manners and Customs of the Bible

Open Heaven: The Secret Power of a Door Keeper

Secret Sources of Power: Rediscovering Biblical Power Points

The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible

Finding Favor With the King: Preparing For Your Moment In His Presence

God's Eye View: Worshiping Your Way to a Higher Perspective

Mary's Prayers and Martha's Recipes: How to Chase God and Serve Man

God Chasers for Teens

Experiencing His Presence: Devotions for God Catchers

Chasing God Serving Man: Divine Encounters Between Martha's Kitchen and Mary's Worship

Chasing God, Serving Man

God's Favourite House: From Visitation to Habitation

The God Chasers: My Soul Follows Hard After Thee

One Night with the King: A Special Movie Edition of the Bestselling Novel, Hadassah

Finding Favor With the King: Preparing For Your Moment in His Presence

Dust To Dust