books by author
Dubliners (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)
Onward Christian Parents!
American Cinema in the Shadow of 9/11
Education And The Market Place
Sudden Death at the Vicarage (Mysteries Series)
Particle Size Measurement: Volume 2: Surface Area and Pore Size Determination.: 7 (Particle Technology Series, 7)
Women in Islam: Reflections on Historical and Contemporary Research
In Stitches with Ms Wiz
You're Nicked, Ms Wiz
Plato's Ethics
Audrey Hepburn: Portraits of an Icon
Great Railway Paintings Inspired by the Seaside: The Guild of Railway Artists
The Secret Life of Ms Wiz
So I Have Thought of You: The Letters of Penelope Fitzgerald
Voyage Beyond Belief
The Transfer (Pb)
The Law of Copyright
The English Legal Process
Particle Size Measurement (Powder Technology S.)
Complete Guide to Illustration and Design Techniques and Materials
The Great Denture Adventure (Young Piper S.)
PAST & PRESENT PLANES (Travelling Through Time)
In Search of Lost Time, Vol 6: Time Regained and A Guide to Proust
Let's Get Divorced: The Complete Divorce Workout Book by TV's Own Jonathan and Libby Hughes
The Cornucopian Text: Problems in Writing in the French Renaissance
Remembrance of Things Past, Volume I: Swann's Way & Within a Budding Grove: Vol 1 (The Remembrance of Things Past)
Remembrance of Things Past, Volume I: The Captive, The Fugitive & Time Regained: Vol 3 (The Remembrance of Things Past)
Shooting Star: No.2 (Hotshots S.)
Christian Ethics and Human Nature