books by author

Marvin Wanted MORE!

Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners: A Plain English Introduction: 3 (AI, Data Science, Python & Statistics for Beginners)

Introduction to Organic Spectroscopy

Polyhedral and Algebraic Methods in Computational Geometry (Universitext)

Political Change and Underdevelopment: Critical Introduction to Third World Politics

Marvin Wanted More

Mae Mali Eisiau Mwy!: Mali Wants More!

Arthur's Fantastic Party: A fun story about Arthur's fantastic party. (Collins Big Cat): Band 06/Orange

Green - Age 9-11 (Bk. 2) (Help Your Child Succeed at School)

Marvin Wanted MORE!

When Arthur Wouldn’t Sleep: Band 06/Orange (Collins Big Cat)

HIV in Primary Care

Business and the Beautiful Game: How You Can Apply the Skills and Passion of Football to be a Winner in Business

Shut Up and Listen!: The Truth About How to Communicate at Work

Marvin Gets Mad (Bloomsbury Paperbacks)

Marvin Gets Mad (Bloomsbury Paperbacks)

Marvin Wanted More (Bloomsbury Paperbacks)

Marvin Wanted More (Bloomsbury Paperbacks)

Political Change and Underdevelopment: A Critical Introduction to Third World Politics