books by author
Tim Dedopulos

The Medieval Puzzle Collection: A Fine Perplexing Tome of Riddles, Enigmas and Conundrums

The Biggest Pub Joke Book (Humour)

Sherlock Holmes' Cunning Puzzles (Puzzle Books)

Whodunit Mysteries (Puzzle Books)

Rubik's Puzzles: 100 Puzzles to Test Your Brain Power (Puzzle Books)

The 500 Best Pub Jokes

Earth View: Extraordinary Images from the Landsat NASA/USGS Satellites: Extraordinary Images of Our Planet from the Landsat NASA/USGS Satellites

Albert Einstein's Puzzle Books

Medieval Puzzles

Dante's Infernal Puzzle Collection

Sherlock Holmes' Elementary Puzzles: Riddles, enigmas and challenges inspired by the world's greatest crime-solver
Brain Fitness Boot Camp - Mental Assault Course