books by author

Daily Word Ladders: Grades 2-3: 100 Reproducible Word Study Lessons That Help Kids Boost Reading, Vocabulary, Spelling & Phonics Skills--Independently!

Memoir in Two Voices

Vet Behind the Ears

The Gilbert Collection at Somerset House

Longing for More: Daily Reflections on Finding God in the Rhythms of Life

Churches: Explore the symbols, learn the language of architecture, and discover the history of churches.

An Insular Possession

Jackie Stewart - A Restless Life: The Unauthorised Biography

Theories of Existence (Pelican S.)

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God

Vermeer's Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World

Stones: Bragg And Minna; a Gift of Mercy; Foxes; the Sky; Dreams; the Name's the Same; Real Life Writes Real Bad; Almeyer's Mother; Stones

History Quest: Race Through Rome

Mighty Small

Divine Magnetic Lands: A Journey in America

My Dad is a Builder Pink B Band (Cambridge Reading Adventures)

Workday Prayers: On the Job Mediations for Tending Your Soul

Exploring Britain's Canals

Finding a Spiritual Friend: How Friends and Mentors Can Make Your Faith Grow

The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Penguin Modern Classics)

Salvation: No. 8 (Thinking Things Through S.)

ISP Liability Survival Guide: Strategies for Managing Copyright, Spam, Cache and Privacy Regulations (Networking Council)

William Kent: Architect, Designer, Opportunist

Understanding Object-Oriented Programming with Java:Second Updated Edition for the Open University

The Way Forward?: Christian Voices on Homosexuality and the Church

Common Praise Full Music edition: The Definitive Hymn Book (Hardback

Our Malady: Lessons in Liberty and Solidarity

You Can't Stop the Big Bad Bogey (PB)

Julius Caesar (Cambridge School Shakespeare)