books by author

Resurrection (Wordsworth Classics)

Anna Karenina

Tolstoy, My Father: Reminiscences
War and Piece Vol II

The Great Big Enormous Turnip (Picture Lions S.)

Childhood, Boyhood and Youth (World's Classics S.)

The Cossacks and Other Stories (Penguin Classics)

The Death of Ivan Ilyich & Other Stories (Wordsworth Classics)

The Great Big Enormous Turnip

War and Peace

The Coming of the King

Last Steps: The Late Writings of Leo Tolstoy (Penguin Classics)

The Kreutzer Sonata (Penguin Great Loves)

Collected Shorter Fiction Volume 1

Anna Karenina (film tie-in)

The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Penguin Little Black Classics)

Anna Karenina: Upper (Macmillan Readers)

Patrick O'Brian: The making of the novelist

The Enormous Turnip (Green Light Reader - Level 2 (Quality))

Anna Karenina

The Great Big Enormous Turnip
Anna Karenin

The Gigantic Turnip

The Gigantic Turnip (Barefoot Beginners S.)

Anna Karenina: In 100 Sketches

The Last Secrets Of The Silk Road: Four Girls Follow Marco Polo Across 5,000 Miles

The Complete Short Stories Volume 2 (Everyman's Library CLASSICS)

The Cossacks (Everyman's Library Classics)

War And Peace: 3 vols (Everyman's Library Classics)