books by author

Digital Photography Step by Step: A Practical and Inspiring Guide That Will Take You From Beginner to Confident, Creative Photographer

Chilled: How Refrigeration Changed the World and Might Do So Again

Aspects of Art: A Painter's Alphabet

Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic

Break-up of Britain: Crisis and Neo-nationalism, 1965-75

Indian Ink

Satin Island

Malcolm Root's Railway Paintings

Lair of the Mothman (Spook School): Bk. 1

Racer X Volume 1 TPB

The Wheelie Thing

Children's Letters to God: The New Collection

Starter (Hotline)

New England (Lonely Planet Regional Guides)

The Way of Wizards

Cambridge Student Guide to King Richard III (Cambridge Student Guides)

Project English 1: 1: Teacher's Book: Bk.1

The Sleeper In The Sands

The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett: An Origami Yoda Book

Renew Us by Your Spirit

The Mustard Seed Conspiracy

Night of the Zombie Goldfish (Dr. Roach's Monstrous Stories)

The Black Count: Glory, revolution, betrayal and the real Count of Monte Cristo

Horatio Nelson

Wings Over the World: Tales from the Golden Age of Air Travel

Weather (Living Planet S.)

The Iliad and the Odyssey (Classics of World Literature)

A French Workbook for First Examinations

Manual of Graphic Techniques for Architects, Graphic Designers and Artists: v. 1