books by author

Teacher's Guide 2 (Y4) (Oxford Literacy Web Spiders)

Tudors (History Through Poetry)

Battles Of World War II: 5 (Documenting WWII)

The Rise of the Nazis: 6 (Documenting WWII)

Cholera and Public Health (History in Depth S.)

Comparative Peace Processes

Anglo-Saxons (The History Detective Investigates)

Tudor Times (Ideas Bank S.)

Psychic Powers (Bk. 1) (Unexplained S.)

Britain Since 1930 (Ideas Bank S.)

Thermal Methods (Analytical Chemistry by Open Learning)

Local History Study Skills (Ideas Bank S.)

Teacher's Guide 4 (Y6): Web Spiders (Oxford Literacy Web Spiders)

Terrible Tudors (Horrible Histories TV Tie-in)

How to Dress a Queen Info Trail Emergent Stage Non-Fiction Book 15 (LITERACY LAND)

School Refusal in Adolescence (Parent, Adolescent and Child Training Skills) (Parent, Adolescent and Child Training Skills (PACTS))

School Refusal: Assessment and Treatment


Tudors (History Through Poetry)

A World in Flames:World War II in the Air

Freedom Song: The Story Of Nelson Mandela (Historical Storybooks)

British Social and Economic History 1800-1900: 5 (Documents and Debates)

The Making Of The Uk 1500-1750 Social Change

The New Northern Irish Politics?

The Terrible Tudors (Horrible Histories) (Horrible Histories)

The Terrible Tudors AND The Slimy Stuarts (Horrible Histories Collections)

Victorian Britain (Teacher Timesavers)

UFO Sighted (Bk. 1) (Unexplained S.)

Mysterious Places: Sacred Sites Bk. 1 (Unexplained) (Unexplained S.)