books by author
Tony Curtis

Popular Antiques and Their Values: 1875-1950

Lyle Antiques Price Guide: 2000

Official Arts Review: 1987

A Fortune in Your Attic

Official Antiques Review: 1991

Official Antiques Review: 1988

The Lyle Antiques Price Guide: 1996

Lyle Price Guide: Silver

Popular Antiques and Their Values: 1800-75

Official Antiques Review: 1979

The Lyle Official Antiques Review 1990

Official Arts Review: 1979


Lyle Price Guide: Clocks and Watches

Furniture: 1800-1950

Marketing in Practice: 2007/08

Official Antiques Review: 1977
Art Nouveau/Deco (Antiques & Their Values S.)

Official Arts Review: 1984

Official Antiques Review: 1984

Glass and Metalware (Collecting for pleasure)

More Popular Antiques and Their Values

The Lyle Antiques Price Guide: 1997

Official Arms and Armour Review: 1980

Official Arms and Armour Review: 1982

Official Arms and Armour Review: 1979

Antiques and Their Values: Clocks and Watches
A Step-by-Step Guide to Renovation | Tricks of the Antique Trade