books by author

You Only Live Nine Times

BTEC First Engineering: Core units for BTEC Firsts in Engineering and common specialist units in all pathways

Practical Digital Electronics Handbook

PC Based Instrumentation and Control

Fats, Oils and Waxes (Chemistry in Industry S.)

Engineering GNVQ: Intermediate (General Gnvq)

Landmarks of Mapmaking

Abortion and Infanticide

The Physics, Clinical Measurement and Equipment of Anaesthetic Practice for the FRCA 2/e (Oxford Specialty Training: Revision Texts)

The Physics, Clinical Measurement and Equipment of Anaesthetic Practice

The Great War: Western Front and Home Front

BTEC National Engineering: Core units for all BTEC National Engineering pathways

Engineering A Level

Newnes Computer Engineer's Pocket Book (Newnes Pocket Books)

Newnes Computer Engineer's Pocket Book

Experiments in Applied Chemistry

Science Investigation Skills for KS3