books by author

The Three Faces of Christ: The Triangle Pocket Lent Book

Lessons in Spiritual Development: Learning from Leading Christian-ethos Secondary Schools

A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture

On your marks: Journey into life : followed by the Gospel of Mark

Sustainable Healthcare

Llama Stops Teasing: A book about making fun of others (Behaviour Matters)

Landscape Archaeology: An Introduction to Fieldwork Techniques on Post-Roman Landscapes

The Brain-Bending Basics (Murderous Maths)

Paper Gliders: To Cut Out, Make and Fly

Drug Treatment in Psychiatry

Windrush: The Irresistible Rise of Multi-Racial Britain

Kitty Princess and the Newspaper Dress

Ridges and Valleys: Walks in the Midlands

Behavioral Pharmacology of 5-ht

Information Technology (GNVQ Core Skills)

Electronics for Electricians

One Dog and His Man

The High Middle Ages, 1200-1540 (Making of Britain S.)

The Animals' Football Final (Froglets)

Shoo Fly Shoo!: Rhyming Stories (Picture Stories)

Beyond the Pale

Great Chicken Dishes of the World

Samurai Zen: The Warrior Koans

Music in Words: A Guide to Researching and Writing about Music

The Air Pilot's Manual: Air Navigation, Vol. 3 (Air Pilot's Manuals)

Air Pilot's Manual Volume 4: The Aeroplane: Technical

Oceans And Beaches (Biomes Atlases)

Aim High 2 Teacher's Book: Aiming for Grade A/A* in Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (EDEXCEL GCSE MATHS)

Collins Pocket Reference – Patience Card Games (Collins Pocket Reference S.)