books by author

Harry Heathcote of Gangoil: A Tale of Australian Bush Life: v. 35 (Penguin Trollope S.)

Faith (Bloomsbury Birthday Quids S.)

Leaves from the Valley

Domestic Manners of the Americans

Balancing Act

An Unsuitable Match

Sense & Sensibility

La Vendee; an Historical Romance: v. 3 (Penguin Trollope S.)

Kept in the Dark (World's Classics)

The Vicar of Bullhampton (Pocket classics)

The Prime Minister, Volume 1 (Dodo Press)

The Other Family

Balancing Act

Other People's Children

The Way We Live Now

Mr. Scarborough's Family (Pocket classics)

The Kellys and the O'Kellys: Or Landlords and Tenants (World's Classics S.)

The Warden: Anthony Trollope

Second Honeymoon: A Novel

He Knew He Was Right (Everyman Trollope)

Barchester Towers (World's Classics)

Framley Parsonage (Wordsworth Classics)

Doctor Thorne (Penguin Popular Classics)

The Bertrams (World's Classics S.)

The Choir


Brother and Sister

The Vicar of Bullhampton: Nonsuch Classics

The Small House at Allington (Wordsworth Classics)