books by author

A Sportsman's Notebook (Everyman's Library Classics)

A Month in the Country

Fathers and Sons (Wordsworth Classics)

Rudin (Penguin Classics)
On the Eve
Fathers and Children
Fathers and Sons

Veshnie vody

Pervaia luibov

Fathers and Sons: Ivan Turgenev (Pocket Penguins)

Kasyan from the Beautiful Lands (Penguin Little Black Classics)
Sketches from a Hunter's Album

First Love And Other Stories (Everyman's Library Classics S.)

Fathers and Sons (Oxford World's Classics)

Smoke (Alma Classics)

A Month In the Country: A Comedy in Five Acts

A Month in the Country

On the Eve

First Love and Other Stories (Oxford World's Classics)

A Month in the Country (World's Classics S.)

Fathers and Sons (World's Classics S.)

Three Sketches from a Hunter's Album: Loner; Meeting; Living Relic (Penguin Classics 60s S.)

First Love (Penguin Great Loves)

Fathers And Sons

Home of the Gentry (Classics S.)

Sketches from a Hunter's Album (Classics)