books by author

Teaching of Reading
Women in the villages, men in the towns
Social Sciences in Asia and the Pacific

Violence and Its Causes
Impact of Science on Society - Science and aesthetics in sound and hearing
International Social Science Journal
The Positive Contributions by Immigrants
Community Development - Comparative studies in India, the Republic of Korea, Mexico and Tanzania
Land use in semi-arid Mediterranean climates
International Social Science Journal
International Social Science Journal
World Water Balance and Water Resources of the Earth

Slave Societies of the Caribbean: Vol. 3

Ancient Civilizations of Africa (v. 2) (UNESCO general history of Africa)

Methodology and African Pre-history (v. 1) (UNESCO general history of Africa)

Africa Since 1935 (v. 8) (UNESCO general history of Africa)

General History of Africa: Africa in the Nineteenth Century Until the 1880's v. 6 (UNESCO general history of Africa)

Africa from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century (v. 5) (UNESCO general history of Africa)

Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Centuries (v. 4) (UNESCO general history of Africa)

Farming the Desert: Unesco Libyan Valleys Archaeological Survey: v. 2: Gazetteer and Pottery

Global Education Monitoring Report 2016: Education for People & Planet: Creating Sustainable Futures for All

Families: Celebration and Hope in a World of Change

General history of the Caribbean: Vol. 4: The long nineteenth century: nineteenth century transformations: VOLUME 4
Source book for Science Teaching

Increasing Teacher Effectiveness: 39 (Fundamentals of Educational Planning Series)

New Technologies and Development (Notebooks on World Problems S.)

World Directory of Peace Research and Training Institutions
Films Ethnographiques sur l'Afrique Noire
Source Book for Science Teaching