books by author

After Hannibal

Land of Marvels

Adults: The Funny and Heartwarming Sunday Times Fiction Best Seller

Classic Sea Stories

Pascali's Island

The Seahorse

Sacred Hunger

After Hannibal

Claudius the God (Penguin Modern Classics)

The Big Day

Losing Nelson

The Quality of Mercy

Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research: 27 (Language Learning & Language Teaching)

The Greeks Have a Word for it

AQA GCSE Science Applied Double Award Revision Book (AQA GCSE 2006)

Land of Marvels

Crete (National Geographic Directions)

Rage of the Vulture

Peaks, Passes And Glaciers

Researching Language in Schools and Communities: Functional Linguistic Perspectives (Open Linguistics S.)

Applied Science GCSE Double Award

TheQuality of Mercy [Paperback] by Unsworth, Barry ( Author )

Stone Virgin

Sugar And Rum

Sacred Hunger

Morality Play

Losing Nelson

I, Claudius (Penguin Modern Classics)

Morality Play