books by author

House of Cards: The Fragile State of Contemporary Psychotherapy
Cognitive Psychology

Science Wars

Social Ethics in the Making: Interpreting an American Tradition

Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth

Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society

Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences, Fifth Edition

Heavy Water and the Wartime Race for Nuclear Energy

Physics of the Piano

Self Assembly: The Science of Things That Put Themselves Together

The Business Coaching Toolkit: Top 10 Strategies for Solving the Toughest Dilemmas Facing Organizations

The Borzoi Handbook for Writers (Text Only--No Practice Book)

Israel Today

Pharmaceutical Packaging Handbook

Cloaked in Virtue: Unveiling Leo Strauss and the Rhetoric of American Foreign Policy

Motivation and Leadership at Work

Blair's War

How Read Bible for Its Worth

Cognitive Process Instruction: Research on Teaching Thinking Skills

Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals

Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs

Medical Devices and Systems

Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients: Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics

Concise Dictionary of Biomedicine and Molecular Biology

John Ruskin's Political Economy