books by author

Thank You: A story celebrating key workers and the NHS

Snow (Mini Gift Edition)



Letters of Note: Art

All Aboard the London Bus

If Only They Could Talk

Oxford Literacy Web: Fiction: Year 5 Fiction: The River Runs to the End of Time (Oxford literacy web. Fiction, Year 5/Primary 6)

The Sudden Spoon

Xenophon: "Persian Expedition" (BCP Greek Texts): The Persian Expedition: Anabasis

Cambridge Plays: That Rebellious Towne (Cambridge Reading)

The Rain girl Single (Impact)

Information Theory for Information Technologists (Computer Science S.)

The Decameron (World's Classics)

Pearson REVISE BTEC National Applied Science Revision Guide: (with free online Revision Guide) for home learning, 2021 assessments and 2022 exams (REVISE BTEC Nationals in Applied Science)

Letters of Note: Music


The Waiting Game

Impact: Amy B and Amy D

General Certificate of Education Model Answers: Biology: Advanced Level

Can You See Sassoon?

Plender and Usher's Cases and Materials on the Law of the European Communities

Textbook of Practical Biology

The Case of the Vanishing Granny (The Big Top Mysteries #1)

The Most-Loved Bear

What Will Danny Do Today?

Understanding Educational Research

Postmodernism and Education: Different Voices, Different Worlds (One World Archaeology; 25)

Electronics Technology