books by author

Memoir (No. 30) (The Neoproterozoic Timanide Orogen of Eastern Baltica)

Infrared Detection Techniques for Space Research: Proceedings of the Fifth Eslab/Esrin Symposium Held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, June 8–11, 1971: 30 (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)

Strategic Stress Management: An Organizational Approach (MacMillan Business)

How to Study Law

Not Less Than Everything

Political Ideologies: An Introduction

A Turn in the South

Usborne Book of Batteries and Magnets (Usborne How to Guides)

Egyptian Mythology

Analysis of Frequency Distribution

The Enigma of Arrival

A House For Mr Biswas

Teachers' (Bk. 1) (Oliver & Boyd Geography)

Amazing Adventures of Ulysses (World legends)

Trends in Drug Research: Symposium Proceedings: v. 20 (Pharmacochemistry Library)

Customer Relationship Management: A Databased Approach

The Book of Five Rings (Flamingo S.)

Four Seasons for Toby (Picture Hippo)

The Amazing Adventures of Ulysses (Young Reading Series 2)

Measuring Precipitation from Space: EURAINSAT and the Future: 28 (Advances in Global Change Research, 28)

Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)

Coastal Environments: Focus on Asian Coastal Regions

Self-Consistent Methods for Composites: Vol.2: Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Materials: 150 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 150)

Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Understanding Reservoir Behavior

Carbon Nanotube Enhanced Aerospace Composite Materials: A New Generation of Multifunctional Hybrid Structural Composites: 188 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 188)

Oxygen-Ozone Therapy: A Critical Evaluation

Tsunamis and Earthquakes in Coastal Environments: Significance and Restoration: 14 (Coastal Research Library, 14)

Hume a Collection of Critical Essays

Dyslexia Toolkit - a Resource for Students and Their Tutors (OTT open teaching toolkit)