books by author
Valerie Ferguson

Sensational Starters

The Baker's Box: Bread, Cakes and Cookies over 300 nutritious baking recipes in 10 fantastic volumes

500 Greatest-ever Vegetarian Recipes
Novelty Cakes

Country Cooking

Food Processor Cookbook: Discover the Time-saving Benefits of This Invaluable Kitchen Aid
Making the world's best cookies
Glorious cakes and gateaux

Best-Ever Bread Cookbook

Great Chicken Dishes

Sweet Treats

Deliciously Tempting Low-Calorie Dishes

Fast and Fabulous Fresh Food Cookbook

500 Ways to Cook Vegetarian: The Ultimate Fully-illustrated Vegetarian Cookbook, with Easy-to Follow Ideas for Every Taste and Occasion

Best of India: Discover the Exotic Tastes of an Aromatic and Spicy Cuisine (Cook's Essentials)

Best of Spain

Best of Thailand


Jams, Jellies & Preserves

Best of China
Simply Salads

Best of Mexico

Best of Italy
making he world's best cookies

How to Cook Perfect Pies and Tarts

Best of Ireland

Best of Japan