books by author
Various Authors
Philby: The Spy who betrayed a Generation
Second report from the select committee on overseas development
Report the Nyassaland commission of inquiry
Historical Survey of the Origins and growth of Mau Mau
Report of commission on the review of the constitution of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Report of the constitutional conference containing the draft constritution
African research & Documentation
Report on the Alternatives for association between the Gambia and Senegal
Convention of LOME: EEC Financial aid to the African, Caribbean, and Pacific States
Docteur en droit
The Ecobank story
Vice-chancellor's report to Council 2007/2008
Walking a tight rope Power play in daily times
Tales and sketches of the covenanters
Aides to the examination of the peripheral nervous system
Roaring Dinosaurs
123 book
Study and revise Spanish GCSE
Maths investigations
The Economic Journal ( Various Issues )