books by author

Check Your Child's I.Q.

Discovering Mathematics: Student Book 3A

Discovering Mathematics: Workbook 2A

Or, the White Whale (Moby Dick)

Les Miserables: Intermediaire (Lire et s'entrainer)

God Made All the Colours (Lion board books)

Funny Old World

Master of the Grove (Puffin Books)

Britain and Latin America: A Changing Relationship

The Face on the Screen and Other Stories

Haematology at a Glance

Tim and Tig (Happy Cat First Readers)

The Gorilla Suit (Happy Cat First Reader) (Happy Cat First Reader S.)

Crwca Notre Dame (Hunchback of Notre Dame)

Poems of the Second World War: Oasis Selection (Everyman's Classics S.)

1946: The Making of the Modern World

Acting with Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design

Music of the Bells (Play-a-sound S.)

Well-Loved Tales from Shakespeare

Soldier, Spy: A Survivor's Tale

Favourite Catholic Prayers (Catholic Classics Ser)

Les Misérables Volume One (Wordsworth Classics): 1

The Education of a Speculator

Cid, Le (Oxford Myths and Legends)

Hernani: A38657 (Folio Theatre)

Heatwave: An Evening Standard 'Best New Book' of 2021

Every Living Thing

Practical Cookery 10th Edition

Victor Spinetti Up Front...: His Strictly Confidential Autobiography