books by author

Princess of Egypt - An Egyptian Girl's Diary 1490 BC (My Story)

Geometric Algebra: An Algebraic System for Computer Games and Animation

Kill Shot

GCOM New Get Inside Language Italy Mondadori Student's Book + ME-Book + MPO Pack

What It Takes to Be #1: Vince Lombardi on Leadership (MGMT & LEADERSHIP)

IELTS Language Practice: Student's Book + Key

Hero at Dunkirk (My Story)

What's Next?: Even Scientists Can’t Predict the Future – or Can They?

Maintained Further Education in the United Kingdom

The Future of Money: Introduction by Vince Cable (World Class Thinking on Global Issues)

Investigating Maths: Bk. 4


Tattoos & Tequila: To Hell and Back With One Of Rock's Most Notorious Frontmen

American Assassin (Volume 1) (The Mitch Rapp Series)

Comics Crash Course: A Start to Finish Guide to Drawing Dynamic Comics

New First Cert Lang Pract with key (Language Practice)

Consent to Kill (Volume 8) (The Mitch Rapp Series)

The Wind in the Willows (Classics Retold)

Protect and Defend

American Assassin (Volume 1) (The Mitch Rapp Series)

The Storm: The World Economic Crisis and What It Means

Pursuit of Honour

The Third Option (Volume 4) (The Mitch Rapp Series)

Separation Of Power (Volume 5) (The Mitch Rapp Series)

American Assassin (Volume 1) (The Mitch Rapp Series)

Highlight Intermediate SB

Prospects Advanced: Teacher's Book

Sir Seth Thistlethwaite and the Soothsayer's Shoes

Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics