books by author

Down with Colonialism! (Revolutions): Down With Colonialism! (Revolutions)

101 Fantastic Barbecue Recipes (101 Fantastic Recipes S.)

101 Fantastic Pasta Recipes: Indulge Your Pasta Passion!

Across the Savannah (Nature Pop-ups)

Glorious Puddings

Splish Splash Splosh! (Fizz and Friends Come Out to Play)

Spinning: Tillie Walden

The Overlord Protocol: No. 2 (H.I.V.E)

Dreadnought: 4 (H.I.V.E)

Exploring the "Road Less Travelled" (New-age S.)

H.I.V.E. 8: Deadlock

H.I.V.E.: Higher Institute of Villainous Education

The Moroccan Collection: Traditional Flavours from Northern Africa

Deglobalization: Ideas for a New World Economy (Global Issues)

Bible Places: A Handbook for the Visitor to the Holy Land

The Movement of Movements: Is another world really possible?

Colour Book of Casserole Cooking

Noisy Things That Go (My First Touch and Feel Sound Book)

Coming Ready or Not (Fizz and Friends Come Out to Play)

Finding First Words: A lift-the-flap learning book (My Little World)

Noisy Touch-and-Feel Books Owl Says Hoot A noisy touch-and-feel night book

Sensational Preserves: 250 Recipes for Making and Using Preserves

Ten Tiny Dinosaurs

Bipolar Affective Disorder: Etiology and Treatment

Time to Emigrate?

Zero Hour (H.I.V.E)

The Complete Home Confectioner

Literature and Learning (Set books)

Cuisine Express