books by author

Dumbo: 3 (Classic Collection)


Sleeping Beauty (Disney Read-to-me Tales S.)

Walt Disney's Snow White Favorites

Peter Pan

Giant Book of Favourites

Robin des Bois, DISNEY CINEMA

LA REINE DES NEIGES - Mes Petites Histoires - L'été rêvé d'Olaf - Disney: Olaf en été

Monstres et Cie, DISNEY CINEMA

WITCH 01 - Le médaillon magique

Aladdin (Wonderful World of Reading)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (A Target book)

Peaks, Passes And Glaciers

The Little Mermaid (Disney: Classic Films S.)

LA REINE DES NEIGES - Les Grands Classiques Disney
Lady and the Tramp

Visions of Adventure: N.C. Wyeth and the Brandywine Artists

Jungle Book (Colour Cubs S.)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney Read-to-me Tales S.)

Winnie the Pooh's A to Z

101 Dalmatians

Walt Disney Productions Presents Tod and Vixey from the Fox and the Hound. (Disney's Wonderful World of Reading, 50)

The Rescuers Down Under

Bambi: 4 (Classic Collection)

Sticker Mosaic Book (Disney: Classic Films S.)

Hercules (Disney: Classic Films S.)

101 Dalmatians (Walt Disney's Family Classics)

Dumbo (Disney: Classic Films S.)

Cendrillon, Disney Classique: 4614368