books by author

Women Philosophers (Everyman's Library)
Law & Morals

English Philosophy Since 1900 (Opus Books)

Ethics Since 1900 (Opus Books)

Object of Morality

An Intelligent Person's Guide to Ethics (Intelligent Person's Guide Series)

Sense and Sensibilia

J.L.Austin (Arguments of the Philosophers)
Existentialist Ethics

Imagination and Time P

Mechanics of Solids and Structures

Ethics Since 1900 (Opus Books)

Women Philosophers

An Intelligent Person's Guide to Ethics

My Revision Notes Edexcel A2 History: From Kaiser to Führer: Germany 1900-45 (MRN)


Universities: Knowing Our Minds (Counterblasts S.)

My Revision Notes: Edexcel AS/A-level History: Germany and West Germany, 1918-89

Smith & Wood's Employment Law

My Revision Notes Edexcel AS History: The Experience of Warfare (MRN)

Photographic Tour of the Trossachs

"Utilitarianism" and "On Liberty": Including "Essay on Bentham" and Selections from the Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John ... Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin: 1

Contemporary Moral Philosophy (New Studies in Ethics)

Mary Wollstonecraft in Her Own Time

Easeful Death: Is There a Case for Assisted Dying?


Special Education Needs (Command Paper)