books by author

Athens: A History: From Ancient Ideal to Modern City

Why Socrates Died: Dispelling the Myths

Prophet: The Life And Times of Kahlil Gibran

The Long Afternoon

The Theology of Arithmetic

The Theology of Arithmetic

My Revision Notes OCR A Level Religious Studies: Religion and Ethics (My Revision Notes Religious St)

Jacob Boehme: Essential Readings, Edited and Introduced by Robin Waterfield

Art Treasures of England: The Regional Collections

My Revision Notes OCR A Level Religious Studies: Philosophy of Religion

Streams of Grace

The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists (Oxford World's Classics)

Xenophon's Retreat: Greece, Persia and the end of the Golden Age

OCR A Level Religious Studies: Philosophy of Religion

Philebus (Penguin Classics)

The Hound in the Left-Hand Corner

Physics (Oxford World's Classics)

Hidden Depths: The Story of Hypnosis

My Revision Notes OCR A Level Religious Studies: Developments in Christian Thought

Community Pharmacy Handbook
Robinson Crusoe (Puffin Classics)

Professional Diplomat: Sir Percy Loraine of Kirkharle

White Fang

Leaves from Our Tuscan Kitchen: Or, How to Cook Vegetables (Penguin Handbooks)

Prayer for All Times (Fount paperbacks)

The Life And Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (Puffin Classics)

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Puffin Classics)

Robinson Crusoe (Puffin Classics)

The Three Musketeers: An Abridgement by Lord Sudley (Puffin Classics)