books by author

Animal Welfare: Tools for the Analysis of Biodiversity

Conjugate Divergent Margins (Geological Society Special Publication No. 369)

Freud (Great Philosophers)

Preserved Locomotives and Multiple Units

Anna's Best Friends (Step Into Reading, Step 2: Frozen)
The Fight
Tin Fish
Smash and Grab

Children With Speech and Language Difficulties (Special Needs in Ordinary Schools)

Duende: A Journey In Search Of Flamenco

Brave Batgirl! (DC Super Friends: Step into Reading, Step 2)

Who Is It? It's The Three Little Pigs: 4

From Paracelsus to Newton (Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lecture)

Klassentreffen: Schülerbuch (Cambridge Express German)

Good News in John

A New Strength, a New Song: Journey to Women's Priesthood

Three Jacobean tragedies

Teaching The Primary Foundation Subjects

Introductory Regression Analysis: with Computer Application for Business and Economics

Pocket Dictionary of Science (Hutchinson pocket dictionaries)

A Shared Mercy – Karl Barth on Forgiveness and the Church (New Explorations in Theology)

Caring For Health: History and Diversity (Health and Diseases)

The Making of England: Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture, A.D.600-900

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The Police Dog