books by author
West Colin

Height Of Absurdity

"I Don't Care" Said The Bear

I Bought My Love a Tabby Cat

Not Me! Said the Monkey (Fun-to-read Picture Books)

Go Tell It to the Toucan

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz! Went Bumble-bee (Giggle Club)

"Only Joking!" Laughed the Lobster (Giggle Club)

"Pardon?"Said the Giraffe

Have You Seen the Crocodile? (Reading Time) (Reading Time S.)

"Not Me, "Said the Monkey

"Pardon?" Said the Giraffe (Fun-to-read Picture Books)

Fighting Dragons (Sprinters)

"Hello, Great Big Bullfrog!"

Have You Seen The Crocodile?

"Go Tell It to the Toucan!"

Have You Seen The Crocodile? (Reading Together)

"I Don't Care!" Said the Bear (Giggle Club)

One Day in the Jungle (Giggle Club)

Fighting Dragons (Sprinters)