books by author
Edexcel GCSE History B: Schools History Project - Crime and Protest Student Book (1B & 3B)
Hodder History: Crown & Country, Britain 1500-1750, Homework & Extension Pack
History Eyewitness: The Pastons in Medieval Britain (Cased)
Hodder History: Conflict, People & Power, Medieval Britain Homework & Extens
Hodder History: Crown & Country, Britain 1500-1750, mainstream edn
History Topic Books: Wars and Warriors: Defenders of the Roman Empire (Cased)
Living in Anglo-Saxon England (Romans, Saxons, Vikings)
The Perils of Moving House
Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History Russia and the Soviet Union, 1917-1941 Student Book: Russia and the Soviet Union, 1917-1941 Student Book
Heinemann History Study Units: Student Book. The Twentieth Century World
The Perils Of Getting Married
Romans, Saxons & Vikings: Kings Chief Warriors Paper
History Topic Books: Living in Anglo-Saxon England (Paperback)
History Topic Books: Wars and Warriors: The Wars of the Vikings (Paperback)
History Topic Books: Living in Viking Britain (Paperback)
Edexcel GCSE: History B Schools History Project Crime and Protest (Edexcel GCSE SHP History 2013)
Heinemann History Study Units: Assessment and Resource Pack. Roman Empire
Heinemann History Study Units: The Roman Empire (Cased)
Hodder History: Conflict, People & Power, Medieval Britain, 1066-1500, mainstream edn
Hodder History: The French Revolution, 1789-1794, mainstream edn
Medicine and Public Health Through Time for AQA GCSE
Investigating History: Medieval Britain 1066-1500 Mainstream Edition
History Topic Books: Living in Roman Britain (Cased) (Romans, Saxons, Vikings)
History Topic Books: Wars and Warriors: Kings, Chiefs and Warriors (Cased) (Romans, Saxons, Vikings S.)
History Topic Books: ROMANS, SAXONS & VIKINGS:Beliefs & Myths of Anglo-Saxon England (Csd)
Heinemann History Depth Studies: Hitler and National Socialism (Paperback)
Questions in History – Stalin’s Russia
Heinemann History Study Units: Student Book. The Roman Empire
Heinemann History Study Units: Student Book. The Reformation