books by author
Will Self
The Penguin Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

Walking to Hollywood

The Quantity Theory of Insanity

Perfidious Man


Junk Mail

The Sweet Smell of Psychosis

Liver: A Fictional Organ with a Surface Anatomy of Four Lobes

How the Dead Live

The Book of Dave


Psycho Too

The Undivided Self: Selected Stories


Why Read: Selected Writings 2001 - 2021

Little People in the City: The Street Art of Slinkachu (foreword by Will Self)

Tough Tough Toys for Tough Tough Boys

Novel with Cocaine

Grey Area: Reissued

The Butt: Reissued

The Quantity Theory of Insanity

Great Apes

The Pocket Canons Bible
an imitation


Second Lives: Tales from Two Cities

Moonlight Travellers