books by author
William A.

Quotable Writer: Words of Wisdom from Mark Twain, Aristotle, Oscar Wilde, Robert Frost, Erica Jong, Toni Morrison, Michael Korda, Herman Melville, George Orwell, Pearl S.Buck and More (The Quotable...

The Plant Cell (Funds.of Botany S.)

Winged Warfare

Science of Crystallization: Microscopic Interfacial Phenomena

Language of Discipline: Practical Approach to Effective Classroom Management (Resources in Education) (Resources in Education Series)

Understanding Petroleum Reservoirs: Towards an Integrated Reservoir Engineering & Geochemical Approach - Special Publication: No. 237

You Know the Fair Rule: Strategies for Making the Hard Job of Discipline in Schools Easier

You Know the Fair Rule: Strategies for Making the Hard Job of Discipline in Schools Easier

An Introduction to the International Criminal Court

Drugs and Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology

How to Write a Great Business Plan (Harvard Business Review Classics)

How to Solve Algebra Word Problems

The Second Reformation

10 Minute Card Games

Reliability of Shell Buckling Predictions (Research Monograph)

Markell and Voge's Medical Parasitology, 9e

Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving

What You Really Need to Know about Moles and Melanoma (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

Fundamentals of Production/Operations Management

Petroleum Provinces of the Twenty-first Century (Aapg Memoir)

Elements, Oxides, Silicates: High Pressure Phases with Implications for the Earth's Interior (Oxford Monographs on Geology & Geophysics)

Cricket Grounds (Aerofilms)

The Cambridge Companion to International Criminal Law (Cambridge Companions to Law)

A Guide to the Study of Soil Ecology

Cultural Anthropology

The Joy of Feeling Good

Sport Marketing

When Going to Pieces Holds You Together

Managing Teacher Stress